

Second batch delivery of equipment for BPS-ELM 35/6 kV mining and processing facility "Oleniy Ruchey", NWPC JSC has been finished

15 July 2022

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The second stage of the electrical equipment of the indoor switchgear 6 kV for the BPS-ELM 35/6 kV was delivered and put into operation at the site of the auxiliary shaft No. 1 for the Oleniy Ruchey mine in the Murmansk region.


More than 10 years ago, North-West Phosphorus Company JSC (NWPC) built a modern industrial enterprise in the Murmansk region - the Oleniy Ruchey mining and processing facility. The large-scale construction project of the Oleniy Ruchey mine was implemented through the development of an open pit and an underground mine at a deposit in the southeastern part of the Khibiny massif, with which all deposits of apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny group are genetically related. The goal of the project is to create a raw material base for phosphate raw materials, which is necessary for the production of complex fertilizers. 


Second batch delivery of equipment is also manufactured in accordance with the climate of the Murmansk region. The modular buildining of Indoor MV Switchgear 6kV provides all the necessary air conditioning, temperature and microclimate maintenance systems. The Indoor MVS 6 Kv is factory-equipped with Eltima medium voltage switchgear 6kV with front and rear access, in the amount of 58 units. MV Switchgear 6kV is designed for a rated busbar current of 3150A, with breaking currents of 31.5 kA. The equipment was manufactured with a degree of protection IP41, as we took into account the peculiarity of the operation of switchgear at mining facilities.
The modular buildining of Indoor MV Switchgear provides premises for installation of an arcing reactor to compensate for capacitive currents in the event of a single-phase earth fault, and a buildining with an auxiliary transformer to supply the building's auxiliary needs.


The Electronmash company not only manufactured and supplied equipment for ELM BPS 35/6 kV, but also provided a range of services for installation supervision and commissioning. All electrical equipment for power supply to consumers at the site of the auxiliary shaft No. 1 of the Olenniy Ruchey mining and processing enterprise has successfully passed testing at the facility and has been fully put into operation.


All equipment and services were delivered and completed on time according to the project contract. The Electronmash company thanks NWPC JSC for giving us confidence in the production of reliable modern electrical equipment for the supply of  ELM BPS 35/6 kV, which meets all the technical and operational requirements of the project.

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