

DC System «ExOnSys»

DC System «ExOnSys» is a reliable line of direct current (DC) systems with a large range of rated parameters for power supply of DC consumers at power stations and substations up to 750 kV.

products manufactured and delivered to Customer sites

Main advantages


High availability of secondary and power equipment


High reliability and quality of products


Convenient operation and maintenance


Guaranteed power supply reliability


Monitoring, diagnostics and control


Low total cost of ownership

01 High availability of secondary and power equipment

The main circuits diagram of the DC System take into account the peculiarities of the power supply of secondary systems and DC power consumers and allow the Customer to obtain equipment with full redundancy of the main components of the DC System. Special algorithms for diagnosing battery cells make it possible to monitor its condition during power supply to important consumers.

02 High reliability and quality of products

The high reliability of the Exonsys DC System, which is designed taking into account the peculiarities of operation at various electric power facilities, is confirmed by test reports in independent test centers.
The use of high-quality DC switching devices, power electronics and an efficiently organized manufacturing process allow us to provide the Customer with reliable electrical equipment that meets any special project requirements.

03 Convenient operation and maintenance

The placement of equipment and terminal blocks in the Exonsys DC System cabinets provides access for replacement, repair and maintenance.
An optimal set of indicating devices and a developed monitoring system allow you to quickly assess the state of the main parameters of the DC System.
QR codes on the facades of the equipment provide quick access to the equipment technical documentation and contact numbers of technical support center.

04 Guaranteed power supply reliability

Exonsys DC System ensures stable operation of power receivers sensitive to voltage drops in any direct current network operation modes, including due to low ripple level and maintaining stable voltage on undamaged sections in case of short circuits in the DC network. Continuous per-feeder control of transit without current injection into the network allows you to quickly determine the place of transportation.

05 Monitoring, diagnostics and control

Exonsys DC System is directly integrated with APCS and remote control systems of plants, information management systems (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition - SCADA), adaptive distribution management systems (ADMS) and other data analytics systems using the comprehensive list of data protocols including IEC 61850. 
The control and monitoring system of DC System supports diagnostics and equipment performance data transfer to the maintenance and repair system to enable on-site preventive equipment maintenance.

06 Low total cost of ownership

We leverage special prices for components by leading Russian and global manufacturers, our own machine fleet and a short production cycle to offer the best equipment price to our customers. Low maintenance frequency along with minimized costs and prolonged service life help to minimize the total cost of Exonsys DC System ownership.

Modifications of DC System «ExOnSys»


DC System «ExOnSys» series S - DC panel «ExOn»

DC System «ExOnSys» series S - DC panel «ExOn»

Rated busbar current - up to 80 A
«All-in-one» system for small-scale sites or sites with decentralized DC System


DC System «ExOnSys» series M

DC System «ExOnSys» series M

Rated busbar current - up to 160 A
This is a system with a large range of circuit solutions for distribution grid power facilities


DC System «ExOnSys» series L

DC System «ExOnSys» series L

Rated busbar current - up to 250 A
Powerful and compact system for supplying a large number of secondary devices and power consumers


DC System «ExOnSys» series XL

DC System «ExOnSys» series XL

Rated busbar current - up to 630 A
This system is designed for extensive DC networks of large power facilities with special redundancy requirements

Service we provide with this product

Get the cost calculation


24/7 Customer support


Service center and regional support centers




Warranty service


Calculation of parameters DC System


Calculation of selectivity of switching devices


Battery advice


Controlled assembly at the manufacturer's plant


Documentation in English and other languages

DC System «ExOnSys» is used:

Market-Specific Solutions

25 years of working with Customers from various industries have allowed us to study industry specifics in detail and create individual solutions that fully meet the needs of this industry and the requirements of individual Customers from this industry.

Satisfied customers
about products and cooperation with us

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Surgutneftegas JSC

Vostok LLC

Gazpromneft-ONPZ JSC

Eurasia-EnergoService CJSC


АО «НоваВинд»

Customer's sites: Еechnical equipment replacement of the facility "Switchgear Building No. 1"

Equipment: ExOnSys DC System series M
Services: design, installation and commissioning

There are no compliants on quality and scope of supply, there are no remarks on the operation of the equipment.

Equipment: ExOnSys DC System series M
Services: design, installation and commissioning

There are no compliants on quality and scope of supply, there are no remarks on the operation of the equipment.

Surgutneftegas JSC

Жалобы и претензии отсутствуют.

Vostok LLC

Жалобы и претензии отсутствуют.

Gazpromneft-ONPZ JSC

Customer's sites: equipment supply to various power supply facilities since 2006

Equipment: Assol LVS with monitoring system, Eltima MVS 6(10)kV, ELM PS 160-5000 kVA, dry-type transformers with cast insulation, DC switchboards «ELM» and DC panel «ExOn», transfer cabinets, control stations with frequency drives «ELM-ACS», soft start systems.

There are no compliants on quality and scope of supply, there are no remarks on the operation of the equipment.

Eurasia-EnergoService CJSC

Customer's sites: equipment supply to water unit No. 3 for TANECO JSC

Equipment: Eltima MVS 6 kV, ExOn DC panel

There are no compliants on quality and scope of supply, there are no remarks on the operation of the equipment.


В 2022 году компания АО «Электронмаш» выполнила генподрядные услуги для АО «НоваВинд» по объектам проекта «Берестовская ВЭС» мощностью 60 МВт в Петровском округе Ставропольского края. На площадке ветропарка установлено 24 ветроустановки мощностью 2,5 МВт каждая, плановая среднегодовая выработка энергии – 175,5 млн. кВт*ч.

Компания АО «Электронмаш» выполнила полный комплекс работ, включающий:

- изготовление и поставку оборудования для ПС 110/35 кВ;
- организацию строительного городка, временного электроснабжения;
- вертикальную планировку местности;
- монтаж заземления;
- фундаментные работы;
- работы по благоустройству;
- монтажные и наладочные работы, включая комплексную пусконаладку
объектов ПС 110/35 кВ.

Благодарим компанию АО «Электронмаш» за изготовление качественного электрооборудования для ПС 110/35 кВ «Берестовкая ВЭС» КТПБ-ЭЛМ-110-3Н/35-1х63000-2-21-УХЛ1, выполнение строительно-монтажных и пусконаладочных работ в сжатые сроки в полном соответствии проекту.


Хочется отметить, что компания АО «Электронмаш», несмотря на сложившуюся сложную ситуацию с поставкой импортного оборудования, в марте-апреле 2022 года смогла найти возможность ввезти комплектующие для силового трансформатора, ячеек КРУ, СОПТ, предусмотренные КД и РД, в другом случае пришлось бы заменять комплектующие, что в свою очередь привело бы к увеличению сроков сдачи объекта.

АО «НоваВинд»

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