

ELM PS 35 kV

ELM B(M)PS are prefabricated substation of various types in voltage class 35/6(10) kV and rated power up to 25000 kVA, which are successfully operated at large industrial enterprises and infrastructure facilities with increased requirements for power supply reliability.

products manufactured and delivered to Customer sites

Main advantages


Maximum Safety


High reliability and quality of Prefabricated Substation


Prefabricated Substations design capabilities


Convenient operation


Monitoring, diagnostics and control


Low total cost of ownership

01 Maximum Safety

A design that provide safe connection of cable and overhead lines, connections of switchgear with transformers, reliable systems of mechanical and electrical interlocks, internal rigid separation of the switchgear into compartments and Isolation of short-circuit faults within one compartment of the cabinet will provide the top level of personnel safety during B(M)PS equipment maintenance and repair.

02 High reliability and quality of Prefabricated Substation

Medium voltage switchgear ELTEMA 6(10)-35 kV used in ELM B(M)PS 35 kV has been developed taking into account the specifics of operation at power facilities located in Russia and other countries. The resulting reliability of its structural design has been proven by tests carried out by independent test centers. 
The specially developed design of power units using high-quality components and an efficiently organized manufacturing process allow us to provide the Customer with reliable ELM B(M)PS electrical equipment which suits for any special project requirements.

03 Prefabricated Substations design capabilities

Detailed technological design development of the product makes it possible to manufacture various types of Prefabricated Substations: block-type, with outdoor power transformers. This type will allow you to place a set of detached switchgear buildings and outdoor transformers (BPS) or an indoor modular type, which allows you to arrange all equipment in transport modules of high prefabrication (MPS).
The reinforced all-welded steel structure of the B(M)PS provides 100% rigidity of the modular building modules and very easy to transport and installation of the modules on various foundations.PS provides 100% rigidity of the modular building modules and very easy to transport and installation of the modules on various foundations and the modular construction principle makes it possible to optimally use the space for the B(M)PS installation.

04 Convenient operation

The design of medium voltage switchgear ELTEMA 6(10)-35 kV used in ELM B(M)PS 35 kV ensures a quick access to current transformers and cable connections while enabling expansion connections of the main circuits that do not require maintenance during operation.
A dynamic symbolic chart showing statuses of the switching devices and positions of withdrawable units and earthing blades as well as inspection windows on the front walls of the cabinets make all operations with the switchgear clearly visible. Smart visual stickers on the front walls contain brief local guidelines for the personnel to facilitate switching and maintenance operations on the switchgear.

QR-codes are provided on the front walls of our cabinets for quick personnel access to the technical documents and the support center contact number.

05 Monitoring, diagnostics and control

B(M)PS is directly integrated with APCS and remote control systems of plants, automated dispatch control systems, adaptive distribution management systems (ADMS) and other data analytics systems using the comprehensive list of data protocols including IEC 61850. 
The control and monitoring system of B(M)PS supports diagnostics and equipment performance data transfer to the maintenance and repair system to enable on-site preventive equipment maintenance.

06 Low total cost of ownership

We leverage special prices for components by leading Russian and global manufacturers, our own machine fleet and a short production cycle to offer the best ELM B(M)PS price to our customers. Low maintenance frequency along with minimized costs and prolonged service life help to minimize the total cost of ELM B(M)PS ownership

Modifications of ELM PS 35 kV




Rated power of transformer – up to 25000 kVA
Block-type Prefabricated Supstation (BPS) provides arrangement of equipment in separate prefabricated transport modules and outdoor installation of power transformers

Delivery sites where used ELM PS 35 kV

PS No. 830 "Monetnaya" 35 kV

All Customer's sites

Lenenergo, JSC




Lenenergo, JSC




An indoor Modular Prefabricated Substation MPS 35/6/0.4 kV in a concrete enclosure with a transformer capacity of 2x12.5 MVA.

Development of working documentation, manufacturing of an innovative substation of high factory prefabrication, installation and commissioning.

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Service we provide with this product

Get the cost calculation


24/7 Customer support


Service center and regional support centers




Warranty service


Development of secondary circuit diagrams


Development of an electronic project for a digital substation (DSP)


Technical and economic evaluation


Development of design concepts


Preparation of work scope lists


Preparation of recommendations for the organization of foundations


Factory acceptance tests of equipment


Documentation in English and other languages

ELM PS 35 kV consists of:

Market-Specific Solutions

25 years of working with Customers from various industries have allowed us to study industry specifics in detail and create individual solutions that fully meet the needs of this industry and the requirements of individual Customers from this industry.

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АО «НоваВинд»

Gazpromneft - Energoservice LLC

В 2022 году компания АО «Электронмаш» выполнила генподрядные услуги для АО «НоваВинд» по объектам проекта «Берестовская ВЭС» мощностью 60 МВт в Петровском округе Ставропольского края. На площадке ветропарка установлено 24 ветроустановки мощностью 2,5 МВт каждая, плановая среднегодовая выработка энергии – 175,5 млн. кВт*ч.

Компания АО «Электронмаш» выполнила полный комплекс работ, включающий:

- изготовление и поставку оборудования для ПС 110/35 кВ;
- организацию строительного городка, временного электроснабжения;
- вертикальную планировку местности;
- монтаж заземления;
- фундаментные работы;
- работы по благоустройству;
- монтажные и наладочные работы, включая комплексную пусконаладку
объектов ПС 110/35 кВ.

Благодарим компанию АО «Электронмаш» за изготовление качественного электрооборудования для ПС 110/35 кВ «Берестовкая ВЭС» КТПБ-ЭЛМ-110-3Н/35-1х63000-2-21-УХЛ1, выполнение строительно-монтажных и пусконаладочных работ в сжатые сроки в полном соответствии проекту.


Хочется отметить, что компания АО «Электронмаш», несмотря на сложившуюся сложную ситуацию с поставкой импортного оборудования, в марте-апреле 2022 года смогла найти возможность ввезти комплектующие для силового трансформатора, ячеек КРУ, СОПТ, предусмотренные КД и РД, в другом случае пришлось бы заменять комплектующие, что в свою очередь привело бы к увеличению сроков сдачи объекта.

АО «НоваВинд»

Gazpromneft - Energoservice LLC expresses its gratitude to Electronmash JSC for the successfully completed work on the integrated supply and installation of energy equipment for the innovative 20 MW solar power plant project on the territory of Gazpromneft - ONPZ JSC.

During the period of cooperation, JSC Electronmash has developed and coordinated design documentation, manufactured, assembled and tested four block-modular transformer substations and a unique power storage system commissioned in 2024, demonstrating a high level of system organization and professionalism and establishing itself as a reliable supplier of ready-made solutions in the energy sector.

Gazpromneft - Energoservice LLC

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