

Chief commissioning of MVS Eltema at TPP Udarnaya is completed

8 April 2022

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Our specialists have completed the chief commissioning of a digital switchgear at a combined cycle thermal power plant with a capacity of 500 MW in the Krymsky district.


Udarnaya TPP will provide electricity to the housing and communal sector and industrial enterprises of the Kuban, solve the problems of energy shortages in the Krasnodar Territory and provide electricity to consumers in the port area of ​​Taman. The station will install the first serial domestic gas turbine GTD-110M with a high output shaft capacity of 116.5 MW, but earlier it was planned to install two power units of 25 MW each.

To provide the substation own needs, Electronmash company designed and manufactured 6 kV Eltima digital switchgears with the possibility of front and rear access service, equipped with ARIS modular controllers and EKRA 217 microprocessor terminals.

All intelligent electronic devices (IED), bay controllers and relay protection and automation microprocessors were parameterized and configured before the start of acceptance functional tests. Functional acceptance tests were carried out in the presence of the Main Customer with a complete control assembly of digital MV switchgear equipment and the creation of a simulated digital electric grid of the IEC 61850 station, which was not included in the scope of the supplied lot. All digital MV switchgears successfully passed factory acceptance tests, were shipped to the installation site in a timely manner, and under the guidance of the chief engineers of Electronmash, MVS were installed and commissioned.

As part of the construction and commissioning of the Udarnaya TPP in the Krymsky district, Electronmash company successfully completed the entire scope of work in accordance with the approved technical requirements of the Customer.

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