Equipment was shipped for the Akademicheskaya CHPP (PJSC T Plus)
2 October 2019

The project to optimize the thermal unit in the southwestern part of Yekaterinburg involves the closure of CHP-19 with the transfer of the load to the Academic CHP. This will require laying 6 km of large-diameter heating networks and building two pumping stations.
As a result of the optimization of the heating unit, not only existing, but also prospective consumers of the Akademicheskiy, Shirokaya Rechka, and UNTS microdistricts will be provided with heat, and tariff growth rates will decrease.
The Akademicheskaya Thermal Power Plant is the most significant energy project implemented in Yekaterinburg over the past 30 years. The facility is equipped with unique combined-cycle gas installations and the most modern energy-saving equipment of Russian, Swiss and German production.
The KTP, CRU and switchboards manufactured by JSC Electronmash will provide reliable power supply to the technological equipment of the new pumping stations.