

JSC "Electronmash" at the II International Scientific Conference "Digital Substation. The IEC 61850 standard. Digitalization of electric networks".

17 July 2019

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The event was attended by representatives of energy and industrial companies, specialists from research and design organizations, developers and manufacturers of equipment. During the discussions, the conference participants raised issues of the development of information technologies necessary for the transition to the digital industry, various aspects of building the "Internet of Energy" (IDEA), the use of big data in the industry, and discussed issues related to cybersecurity and the development of human resources in the era of digital transformation.

The main purpose of the scientific conference and the presented reports was to discuss and summarize the results of the introduction of digital technologies and equipment supporting the IEC 61850 standard, to share best practices, and to determine the vectors of development of these technologies in the future.

 Mikhail Zavgorodny made a presentation at the conference on behalf of JSC Electronmash on "The experience of implementing digital relay protection of various suppliers at the Gazprom Neft CPS landfill." We talked about the interim results of the trial operation of the digital substation landfill, about the experiments carried out and the identified compatibility problems of equipment from various manufacturers, the protection of time synchronization loss and the design features of the DPS. In conclusion, it was noted that the trial operation of the landfill continues, and the implementation of a digital landfill at another facility is planned for next year.

 At its stand, JSC Electronmash demonstrated an online monitoring and technical diagnostics system for a digital landfill, with monitoring of GOOSE messages published online, visualization of the operability of digital devices and the connections between them, display of the status of protections and a help system, which in an automated mode clearly reflects the variety of experiments being conducted.


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